► Scott Lively: Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner Print

Scott Lively: Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner

Congratulations to….


Scott Lively

Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner

This isn’t the first Award presented to Scotty. In the past, he has been the recipient of one (1) Screwball Award, which can be viewed by going to Screwball Award category.


Scotty is yet another loser attorney that learned early on how difficult it was to earn a dishonest living practicing law. Ricky then discovered that he could make a handsome living by viciously attacking members of the gay community. He also decided to become a member of the third most honest profession (used car salesman No. 1 and lawyer’s No. 2), the clergy by becoming a pastor.


Ricky later founded the Abiding Truth Ministries (ATM) which afforded him the opportunity to perform as a Elmer Gantry Wannabee by fleecing the low I.Q. folks who actually listen to his crap.


Recently (02/23/15), Scotty warned that if the Supreme Court were to rule in favor of same-sex marriages, it could literally bring about the end of the world and give rise of the Antichrist [Ann Coulter] by September 2015.


If same-sex marriage becomes legal, Scotty said:

  • We can all “expect some sort of severe judgment to fall on America in conjunction with this process.”
  • “Coming calamity will almost certainly be a part of some larger act of God’s punishment on the entire world, most likely the Great Tribulation prophesied by Jesus in the Olivet Discourse,” (onset of End Times).

Delusional Scotty then told his listener that marriage equality will unleash the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which will take the form “gay theology," war, famine, and a "massive harvest of the grim reaper" of the souls of all who have died in the chaos. That, in turn, will give rise to the Antichrist by late September, which will result in full-scale persecution of Christians and the end world.”


Over the years, Scotty and those of his ilk have pocketed millions of dollars attacking members of the gay community. Clearly one must question why Scotty displays such a hatred for people he doesn’t even know.


It may well be that Scotty may be masking his true sexual preferences by viciously attacking the gays. Therefore, it might be appropriate to ask Scotty:

  • “What’s in your closet?”

Congrats Scotty; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Bigots”; you are far too humble.