► Justice Ray Moore (R-AL): Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner Print

Justice Ray Moore (R-AL): Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Justice Ray Moore

Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner


 This isn’t the first Award presented to Ray. In the past, he has been the recipient of two (2) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Ray Moore is presently Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. He was previously booted off the bench as Chief Justice for violating a Federal Court order requiring him to remove a large Ten Commandment monument from the Supreme Court rotunda.


Years later, Ray was able to again dupe the voters of Alabama into electing him as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.


In a recent (01/27/15) letter to fellow Screwball, Gov. Robert Bentley, Ray laughingly quoted a passage from the Gospel of Mark in support of his asinine belief that rulings from federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court are not binding on the state of Alabama. The Screwball said in his letter: “The laws of this state have always recognized the biblical admonition stated by our Lord” in regards to marriage.


Ray then urged Gov. Bentley to “stop judicial tyranny” and ignore a federal court’s decision ruling that Alabama’s ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional.


In the past, Ray the Homophobic Bigot has made the following statements:

  • Marriage equality is literally the work of the Devil and “God must be sad about this.”
  • “Oppressive” judges ruling in favor of marriage equality are “warping the law”
  • “If you deny that rights come from God, then there is no moral basis for society,” and without that understanding, then society will face “bestiality, homosexuality, sodomy and incest.”
  • “We’ve got a moral crisis in America. We see the things that are happening in Japan [Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown] and across the nation, but right here we’ve got a moral meltdown.”
  • “Today the foundation is being shaken by radical judges, liberal politicians and some in the highest office of our land who would redefine marriage and in doing so would destroy the family as we know it.”
  • “No society is prepared to deal with the problems arising out of same-sex marriages: child abuse, adoption, divorce, foster care, alimony, and the list could go on and on.”
  • “And what stops these judges from next saying that three can be similarly situated as two?”
  • Ruling in favor of marriage equality “makes the court illegitimate.”
  • The Supreme Court’s decision is “illogical” and promotes the “homosexual agenda” and “will undermine the will of the people and open the door for even more deviant moral relationships.”
  • “Same-sex marriage and sodomy are, simply stated, a slippery slope to polygamy and incestuous relationships.”
  • “The foundation of the fabric of our nation is being shaken, and only those who would restore our moral foundation deserve our vote on.”

When a state Chief Justice openly states that there is no need to adhere to and/or follow rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court, then he/she is openly advocating for overthrowing the government.


Chief Justice Ray Moore is a disgusting human being who has gained high office by repeatedly attacking members of the gay community. If Ray can’t stand the thought of gay folks enjoying the same constitutional rights that he and his fellow bigots enjoy, then I’d suggest that Ray immigrate to some other democratic country that will embrace him and his screwy agenda like North Korea.


Congrats Ray; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Bigots”; you are far too humble.

  1. Lunatic Award Winner = 1
  2. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1