► Rev. Pat Robertson: Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner Print

Rev. Pat Robertson: Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Rev. Pat Robertson

Today’s Bigot Award Winner


This isn’t the first and certainly will not be the last Award presented to Rush. In fact, in the past, he has been the recipient of six (6) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


During a recent airing of The 700 Comedy Club, Rev. Pat decided it was time to further prove that in addition to being an Aspiring Standup Comedian, that he is also a Certified Bigot and a Lunatic.


During a discussion of the shooting of an Australian student-athlete in Oklahoma by three teenagers, two of whom were black and one white, Patty the Bigot accused President Obama of inciting anti-white violence.


The Bigot went on to say:


“We are having a tremendous amount of this black-on-white violence and I have a feeling that instead of bring racial harmony, having an African-American president has exacerbated the problem.”


Apparently, Patty yearns for the good old days when Zachary Taylor was president and the proud owner of slaves. Obviously, Zach didn’t have to concern himself with racial harmony or black-on-white crime.


If Patty is truly concerned about racial harmony, then he should consider backing David Duke as the Republican presidential nominee in 2016.


Congrats Patty; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Bigots”; you are far too humble.

  • Lunatic Award Winner = 1
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