► State Rep. Dennis Johnson (R-OK): Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner Print

State Rep. Dennis Johnson (R-OK): Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
State Rep. Dennis Johnson (R-OK))
Today’s “Bigot”Award Winner
In 2006, Dennis succeeded in duping the voters to elect to him to District 50 of the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
Dennis is the Majority (Republican) Leader of the Oklahoma House. While speaking on the virtues of small business during a debate (ca. 4/11/13) over a bill in the House, Denny the Bigot said:
“They might try to Jew me down on a price.”
“That’s fine … that’s free market as well.”
Denny then feigned an apology by putting forth the following hyperbolic (BS) comment:
“I apologize to the Jews. They’re good small businessmen as well.”
When giving his feigned apology about Jews being good businessmen, Tommy was comparing them to good old white boy (honkies) like himself. I’m sure if given the chance, Tommy would have told us that once had a friend that was Jewish, but only once.
And lastly, Denny has the chutzpah to claim on his re-election website that if re-elected he would continue to bring integrity to the House of Representatives. Obviously, Denny missed his calling as a standup comedian.
Congrats Johnny; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Least Appreciated “Bigots”; you are far too humble.