► Antonio Sabato: Today’s “Bigott” Award Winner Print

Antonio Sabato: Today’s “Bigot”Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Antonio Sabato

Today’s “Bigot”Award Winner 

Tony is a so-called American actor and Calvin underwear model. He is also a former Chippendale Dancer and had a role in the General Hospital soap opera. He has also appeared in several reality television shows. This rather uninspiring curriculum vitae (means bio, Billy Bob) was sufficient for Tony to be invited by Donald “Don Trumporleone” Trump as a guest speaker in Cleveland at the Republican National Convention.


This only confirms that a guest is only required to possess an I.Q. that is a tad higher than the legal speed limit in downtown Cleveland.


During his speech at the GOP Convention, Tony the Bigoted Moron (my apologies to Morons) told the audience:


“We’ve had a Muslim president for seven and a half years.”

“I don’t believe the guy [Obama] is a Christian.”

“I have met a lot of Christians, know a lot of Christians.”

“I am one, and I don’t believe he is.”

“I believe he’s on the other side.”


After giving his racist speech to the cheers of many fellow racists in the crowd, Tony was interviewed by ABC’s Amna Nawaz who told Tony that Obama attends church regularly, Tony the Bigot responded by saying:


  • “I don’t believe the guy follows the God that I love and the Jesus I love.”
  • “If you follow his story, if you understand about Obama, I mean, that’s not a Christian name, is it?”


FYI Tony: In The Don’s lexicon, the name Asshole is apparently a recognized Christian name.


It goes without saying that The Don personally approved of Tony’s appearance on the stage at the GOP convention in Cleveland. Therefore, The Don absolutely knew that Tony was a dyed-in-the-wool racist and fully supports his bigoted views.


It may well be that Tony was auditioning for a position in The Don’s administration in the event he is able to dupe enough voters on November 8, 2016 to elect him President. An appointment to the Equal Opportunity Commission may well be something that Tony would qualify in a Trumporleone Administration.



Congrats Tony; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Bigots”; you are far too humble.