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Bill O'Reilly says, White Voters Feel Aggrieved


During a recent (07/20/16) segment of his daily Comedy show hosted by the Fox News Comedy Network, resident comedian and serial liar Bill O’Reilly decided to spew forth his usual dose of BS in regards to the upcoming 2016 presidential election. Towards that end, Billy said:

  • “For Donald Trump to win, he has to turn out the white vote in great numbers.”
  • “If he does that, he can live with 20 percent or less of the minority vote.”
  • “And it's obvious at this convention and by the Trump strategy itself that his campaign believes white voters will put him in the White House.”

Billy continued on with his bigoted rant by saying:

  • “All of this sounds kind of ominous, that you have an election pitting whites against minorities.”
  • “This time around, many white voters feel aggrieved, feel that the Obama administration is not looking out for them.”
  • “Thus, the rise Donald Trump.”

To suggest that Honkies feel aggrieved because Obama hasn’t been looking out for them is preposterous. The only person that taking affirmative action on a daily basis to “pit whites against minorities” is Donald “Trumporleone” Trump.


In fact, The Don is using the same divide and conquer techniques first employed by Richard Nixon to make Honkies believe that their livelihoods and safety are being jeopardized by those (wink, wink) folks.


And lastly, it is indeed a sad commentary on the state of racial relations in this country when a self-proclaimed bigot and Mussolini Wannabee like The Don could actually be elected as the next President of the U.S. of A.


For additional stories about Billy go to the articles categorized below

  1. Bullshit Award Winner = 3
  2. Fleece-Flocker Award Winner = 2
  3. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award Winner = 1
  4. Lunatic Award Winner = 1
  5. Narcissist Award Winner = 1
  6. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1
  7. Blacks Ill-educated and have Tattoos on their Forehead: Art. 167Bigot Awards
  8. Bill O’Reilly states “I don’t know any Racists” – Art. 168 Bigot Awards
  9. Fox News best when it comes to diversity: Art. 137 Rodney Dangerfield Awards