► Tony Perkins says: Obama wants us to Surrender our Children Print

Tony Perkins says: Obama wants us to Surrender our Children


This isn’t the first Award presented to Tony. In the past, he has been the recipient of thirty-three (33) Awards in various categories and/or the subject of one (1) opinion piece. Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


During a recent (Mid-May 2016), Tony Perkins, head of the right-wing loony Family Research Council engaged in a conversation with fellow loon Dr. Jerry Johnson of the National Religious Broadcasters regarding transgender students. (Brian Tashman, Right Wing Watch)



Tony’s feigned angst was aimed at the Obama Administration’s letter to schools across the country in regards to providing bathroom access to transgender students that would be consistent with the student’s stated gender identity.


Tony then laughingly claimed that while reading the letter it caused him to think about the Tea Act and Stamp Act that helped to ignite the American Revolution. Tony then told Dr. Johnson’s intellectually inept followers:

  • “We’re talking about our children.”
  • “We’re talking about the next generation.”
  • “We’re talking about our children emotionally being scarred.”

Tony then laughingly compared the transgender bathroom issue to the story of Newt Gingrich and his third wife Colessa, I’m sorry I mean Sodom and Gomorrah wherein Lot replies to a mob seeking to have sex with two congressmen, I’m sorry I mean angels that are in his house by offering them his two virgin daughters as an option. Tony went on to say:

  • “I think this is a Genesis 19 moment.” he said.
  • “This is a Lot moment where we’re going to decide whether or not we’re going to shove our children out the door in the pursuit of some false promise of temporal peace, and we know how that worked out.”

Tony’s completed his asinine rant by saying:

  • “It is wrong to surrender out children to a godless system that this president is promoting.”

It is amazing that a one-time police officer in Baton Rouge has been able to dupe thousands of low I.Q. folks into making donations to his bigoted organization. Tony’s Jimmy Swaggart routine has resulted in him living high hog for many, many years.

  1. Ass-Kisser Award = 2
  2. Bigot Award Winner = 5
  3. Bullshit Award Winner = 7
  4. Homophobe Aware Winner = 2
  5. Liar Award Winner = 1
  6. Lunatic Award Winner = 6
  7. MoronAward Winner = 2
  8. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 4
  9. Screwball Award Winner = 4
  10. Elmer Gantry Wannabee Tony Perkins attacks reversal of Prop 8: Dawg Opinions Art. 239