► Peter Sprigg says, LGBT Movement is Un-American Print

Peter Sprigg says, LGBT Movement is Un-American


Peter Sprigg is a senior fellow with the Family Research Council, which is a right-wing, bigoted group that is primarily engaged in attacking members of the gay community.


Peter recently (early April 2016) appeared on the Alabama Christian radio station Faith Radio to discuss a new law in Mississippi that permits businesses to refuse service to LGBT folks if they do so because of their alleged “sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions.” (Miranda Blue)

Sprigg went on to tell Faith Radio’s intellectually infirm listeners and fellow bigots:

  • “The irony here is that for all the howling about discrimination against LGBT people, since this bill is about preventing government discrimination against religious believers and people of faith and people with traditional moral values, anybody who opposes this bill is essentially saying: ‘We think it’s okay for government to discriminate against those people.”
  • “We think its okay for government to punish people for holding traditional moral views.”
  • In fact, we think that government should punish people in order to do everything it can to wipe those views out of existence.”

Sprigg continued on with his bigoted rant by saying:

  • “That’s basically the point of view of the LGBT movement at this point in history.”
  • “It’s shocking and it’s un-American, it’s contrary to our traditions, which are to protect the views of all people, including the people who agree with you and the people who disagree with you.”

According to this bigoted Moron, what would stop some religious zealot who claims a “moral view” to discriminate against mixed-race couples?


And lastly, what would prevent the white folks living in Greenwood, Mississippi, home of white supremacist Bryon De La Beckwith from passing a law requiring African-Americans to ride in the back of the bus based on their bigoted “moral view” that blacks belong to an inferior race?


The American Research Council and its loudmouth bigots are nothing more than vehicles for personal financial enrichment. They all live the good life at the expense of the bigots that tune in to listen to their crap.


For additional stories on the American Research Council and its resident Bigot Tony Perkins go to the articles categorized below

  1. Bigot Award Winner = 4
  2. Bullshit Award Winner = 3
  3. Homophobe Aware Winner = 2
  4. Liar Award Winner = 1
  5. Lunatic Award Winner = 2
  6. MoronAward Winner = 2
  7. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1
  8. Screwball Award Winner = 2
  9. Impeach Justices who rule in favor of Marriage Equality: Bigot Award No. 144
  10. If Cruz isn’t elected, we may never have another election: Art. 206 Bullshit Awards
  11. Obama Hates Military: Seeks to Destroy It: Bullshit Award No. 207
  12. Change churches if your Pastor likes Obama Perkins Loon: Lunatic Award Art. 196
  13. ISISaided by Separation of Church and State: Lunatic Award No. 199
  14. American Christians are about to be hauled off in boxcars: Lunatic Award Art. 200
  15. Obama to blame for Oregon College killings Perkins Rodney Dangerfield Award 132
  16. A courageous Congress must Impeach Obama: Rodney Dangerfield Award No. 135
  17. ISISunlikely to attack South because they know how to defend themselves: Screwball Award 176
  18. Obama’s lawlessness paves way for the Antichrist: Art. No. 177 Screwball Awards 
  19. Elmer Gantry Wannabee Tony Perkins attacks reversal of Prop 8: Dawg Opinions Art. 127