► Michael Savage says, Obama acting like Hitler Print

Michael Savage says, Obama acting like Hitler 


During a recent (late October 2015) airing of his daily comedy radio show “The Savage Nation,” resident comedian and Certified Lunatic Michael Savage decided to once again attack President Obama and his immigration policies.  In this instance, Mike accused Obama of acting like Hitler and of attacking white men (honkies). (Brian Tashman)


In charging Obama with “invading his own country” with immigrants, Mike fretted that the U.S. of A. will soon be destroyed due to Obama’s leadership. Mike then told his intellectually tapped out listeners:

  • “Hitler was a psychopath; no one on earth would disagree with that except Nazis who still exist.”
  • “What did Hitler do? He invaded other countries to impose his nations, let us say, distorted values and race upon other countries.”
  • “What is Obama doing? He’s invading his own country with people of other races and other cultures and other languages to wipe away the predominant language, the predominant culture of his own nation.”
  • “Barack Obama is as equally as mad as Adolf Hitler in that regard.”

In an overt play to bigotry, Mike then advised his listeners to:

  • “Prepare for the tsunami of foreigners, of illegal aliens, of those opposed to Christianity and Judaism that the psychopaths who are ruining America are rushing across the borders as quickly as they can to make certain that the white male in particular no longer has a voice in his own nation.”

It is absolutely mind boggling that this Certified Lunatic, Degenerate Bigot and Opportunist is able to attract a daily radio audience of more than 100 people. Sadly, this Buffoon (my apologies to Buffoons) will say anything in order to enrich himself even if it means falsely accusing the President of taking affirmative steps to go after whitey males.


For additional stories on Mike go to the articles categorized below

  1. Bullshit Award Winner = 1
  2. Lunatic Award Winner = 4
  3. MoronAward Winner = 2
  4. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1
  5. Screwball Award Winner = 2
  6. Will Donald Trump become an American Dictator? – Art. 144 Bigot Awards
  7. Gay Folks will cheer as Pastors tossed in Jail: Bigot Awards No. 145
  8. Western Perverts to blame for ISIS: Bigot Award 146
  9. Deport Undocumented Immigrants to Prison in Siberia: Bigot Award 148
  10. Girl Scouts led by Perverted Liberal Vermin: Bigot Award 149
  11. Satanic Obama acting like Charles Manson in seeking Race War: Bigot Award 150
  12. Obama Intends to Burn Down America: Bigot Award 151
  13. Obama Incites the White Man to Revolt: Bigot Award 152
  14. Pope Francis is a Moron and Dumbest man on Earth: Art. 214 Bullshit Awards
  15. Donald Trump has already made America greater: Art. 215 Bullshit Awards
  16. Obama planning way to Ban Dogs Savage: Art. 216 Bullshit Awards
  17. Obama; Satanic Liberal Hell Bent on Destroying America: Bullshit Award No. 217
  18. Hillary Wages War on White Folk: Bullshit Award: Bullshit Award 218
  19. Toss Homeless People in Jail: Art. 41 Humanitarian Awards
  20. Obama to use Syrian Refugees to overthrow the People: Art. 189 Lunatic Award
  21. Democratic Party AIDS virus is destroying America: Art. 190 Lunatic Awards
  22. Bernie Sanders: Another Red Diaper Doper Baby Loon: Art. 192 Lunatic Awards
  23. Pope Francis’ speech to Congress completes Communist Revolution: Art. 193 Lunatic Awards  
  24. Obama inciting Race War ala Charles Manson: Lunatic Award 195
  25. Obama prepares for Anti-White Violence & Dictatorship: Lunatic Award 196
  26. Obama commits Medical Genocide via Measles Outbreak: Lunatic Award 198
  27. GOP Controlled Congress Must Arrest Obama – Lunatic Award No. 200
  28. Liberals use LGBT rights to Eliminate Men: Art. 152 Moron Awards
  29. Narcissist Award Winner = 1
  30. Liberal Weasel Bernie Sanders is a Jew who hates America: Rodney Dangerfield Award No. 139
  31. Only Trump can save us from Obama’s Maoist Reeducation Camps: Rodney Dangerfield Art. No. 140
  32. Will Obama pursue Third Term via Election Nullification?-Art. 141 Rodney Dangerfield Award
  33. Pope Francis: False Prophet; Antichrist: Rodney Dangerfield Award 142
  34. Obama the Anti-Semite Jew Hater: Rodney Dangerfield Award No. 143
  35. Nominating gay man as Army Secretary Proof Obama’s a psychopath: Screwball Award No. 189
  36. Jews who support Obama “Want to Die”: Screwball Award No. 1890
  37. Will Hillary’s looks undermine her Presidential campaign?: Screwball Award 191
  38. Obama conducting Civil War Against America – Screwball Award No. 192
  39. What is a Compassionate Conservative? – Art. 41 Dawg Opinions