► Michael Savage asks, Will Donald Trump becomes an American Dictator? Print

Micheal Savage asks, Will Donald Trump becomes an American Dictator? 


During a recent (late July 2015) airing of The Savage Nation Comedy radio show, resident comedian Michael Savage was ecstatic about the prospects of Donald Trump actually winning the presidential election.


After a low I.Q. caller (is there another kind?) to the show said that Trump wouldn’t be able to work with other policymakers, Mike said he should simply rule by decree.

Later in his bigoted comedy routine, Mike said:

  • “We’ve finally seen a white man with you know what?”
  • “Finally a white man stood up with you know what and said ‘go to hell’ to his enemies and if you don’t like it go take a walk.”
  • “America’s been waiting for him, they’ve been praying for him.”

The only fools praying for The Donald to be the next president are folks who possess an I.Q. equal to or just a tad higher then the legal speed limit in a school zone.


It is indeed sad that someone of Mike’s ilk is allowed to preach hatred and falsehoods on a daily basis for the sole purpose of financial gain. I’m sure that Mike doesn’t believe half of the BS that he spews forth on his daily comedy show.


For additional pieces on Mike go to the articles categorized below.

  1. Bullshit Award Winner = 1
  2. Lunatic Award Winner = 3
  3. MoronAward Winner = 2
  4. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1
  5. Screwball Award Winner = 2
  6. Gay Folks will cheer as Pastors tossed in Jail: Bigot Awards No. 128
  7. Western Perverts to blame for ISIS: Bigot Award 129
  8. Deport Undocumented Immigrants to Prison in Siberia: Bigot Award 131
  9. Girl Scouts led by Perverted Liberal Vermin: Bigot Award 132
  10. Satanic Obama acting like Charles Manson in seeking Race War: Bigot Award 133
  11. Obama Intends to Burn Down America: Bigot Award 134
  12. Obama Incites the White Man to Revolt: Bigot Award 135
  13. Obama; Satanic Liberal Hell Bent on Destroying America: Bullshit Award No. 201
  14. Hillary Wages War on White Folk: Bullshit Award: Bullshit Award 202
  15. Obama inciting Race War ala Charles Manson: Lunatic Award 168
  16. Obama prepares for Anti-White Violence & Dictatorship: Lunatic Award 169
  17. Obama commits Medical Genocide via Measles Outbreak: Lunatic Award 171
  18. GOP Controlled Congress Must Arrest Obama – Lunatic Award No. 173
  19. Liberals use LGBT rights to Eliminate Men: Art. 148 Moron Awards
  20. Pope Francis: False Prophet; Antichrist: Rodney Dangerfield Award 128
  21. Obama the Anti-Semite Jew Hater: Rodney Dangerfield Award No. 129
  22. Jews who support Obama “Want to Die”: Screwball Award No. 172
  23. Will Hillary’s looks undermine her Presidential campaign?: Screwball Award 173
  24. Obama conducting Civil War Against America – Screwball Award No. 174
  25. What is a Compassionate Conservative? – Art. 39 Dawg Opinions