► Gov. Bobby Jindal (LA): Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner Print

Gov. Bobby Jindal (LA): Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Gov. Bobby Jindal (LA)

Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Bobby. In the past, he has been the recipient of nine (9) Awards. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


In an ongoing attempt to dupe voters who possess an I.Q. in the 60 to 85 range, Bobby continues to operate under the delusion that he’s qualified to be the next President of the United States.


In a recent (04/23/15) self-serving op-ed piece published in the New York Times, Bobby the Bigot (BB) proclaims that he firmly believes that so-called religious folks and businesses have the constitutional right to discriminate against members of the gay community.


In his moronic op-ed piece, Bobby said in part:

  • “In Indiana and Arkansas, large corporations recently joined left-wing activists to bully elected officials into backing away from strong protections for religious liberty.”
  • “Why shouldn’t an individual or business have the right to cite, in a court proceeding, religious liberty as a reason for not participating in a same-sex marriage ceremony that violates a sincerely held religious belief?”

BB went on to say:

  • “As the fight for religious liberty moves to Louisiana, I have a clear message for any corporation that contemplates bullying our state: Save your breath.”
  • “Some corporations have already contacted me and asked me to oppose this law (“Marriage and Conscience Act”).
  • “I am certain other companies, under pressure from radical liberals, will do the same.”
  • “They are free to voice their opinions, but they will not deter me.”

It is patently clear that BB is aiming at cornering the Bigot and Homophobe vote in the upcoming GOP presidential primary. Unfortunately for BB, there are not enough Bigoted Homophobes in the GOP to allow him to win the nomination. And if he did, he’d be the biggest loser in presidential elections in history. Put simply, there just aren’t enough morons in the country to elect a bigoted loser like BB.


Lastly, given Mississippi’s sordid past in discriminating against African Americans, what’s to stop BB and those of his ilk from expanding the so-called “religious freedom” laws to allow a member of the KKK who owns a restaurant from refusing service to African Americans by claiming a religious right to so act?


Congrats BB; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Bigots”; you are far too humble.

  • Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 1
  • Bullshit Award Winner = 2
  • Lunatic Award Winner = 2
  • MoronAward Winner = 2
  • Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1
  • Screwball Award Winner = 1