► Mat Staver says, Treacherous Obama Hates America and Israel Print

Mat Staver says, Treacherous Obama Hates America and Israel 


On a recent (03/24/15) airing of the Faith and Freedom comedy radio show, Liberty Counsel’s Twin Towers of Deceit Mat Staver and Matty Barber accused Obama of engaging in a “sinister” and “treasonous” plot to destroy Israel and America by attempting to reach a nuclear deal with Iran. (Kyle Mantyla)

After displaying utter happiness with Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent electoral victory, Staver stated that Israeli citizens who support “land for peace” are simply “stupid” and that Obama is “sinister” for opposing Netanyahu and dealing with Iran. Staver went on to say:

  • “I think he [Obama] has, ultimately an objective.”
  • “He doesn't like America. He doesn't like Israel. He doesn't stand with our allies in the Middle East.”
  • “He has sympathies that ultimately undermine the Judeo-Christian values that we support and that connect us with the land of Israel.”

Barber chimed in by saying the following:

  • “That’s not a matter of opinion, that's a matter of fact.”
  • “It’s treasonous!”
  • “It exposes the fact that this president hates Israel [and] I believe, as you just stated, that he hates America as well.”

Of course the only reason these Twin Towers of Bigotry and Ignorance spew forth such lies is to compel their low I.Q. listeners to make even more donations so they can continue to live high-off-the-hog.


It goes without saying that anyone with an I.Q. in the triple digits does not waste their time listening to the ignorant rants of these two losers.


For additional pieces on Staver and Barber  go to the articles categorized below.


Mat Staver Articles

  1. Bigot Award Winner = 1
  2. Bullshit Award Winner = 1
  3. Homophobe Award Winner = 1
  4. Liberty Counsel: Today’s “Fleece-Flocker” Award Winner
  5. Lunatic Award Winner = 1
  6. MoronAward Winner = 2
  7. Screwball Award Winner = 1
  8. Gay marriage will lead to messing around by straight folks: Moron Award No. 147
  9. Obama exporting Abortion and Homosexuality: Bigot Award No. 93
  10. Supporters of Reproductive Choice are Modern Day Nazis: Lunatic Award No. 156

Matt Barber Articles

  1. Bigot Award Winner = 1
  2. Homophobe Award Winner = 1
  3. MoronAward Winner = 1
  4. Gay marriage will lead to messing around by straight folks: Art. 147 Moron Awards