► Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC): Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner Print

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC): Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner



This isn’t the first Award presented to Trey. In the past, he has been the recipient of two (2) Bullshit Awards.  Those awards can be viewed by going to the listed category.


Trey is yet another attorney that decided he could make more money as a public official then he could from practicing law. After graduating from the University of South Carolina Law School in 1989, Trey has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for 23 years as set forth below.

  • 1990 to 1992 – Clerk for US District Court Judge Ross Anderson
  • 1993 – Private practice
  • 1994 to 2000 – Assistant US Attorney
  • 2001 to 2010 – Circuit Solicitor
  • 2011 to 2014 – U.S. Congress

In a never ending effort to prove that he is in fact the most incompetent and useless person to ever hold the office of Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, John Boehner had the chutzpah to appoint Trey as the Chairman of a House Select Committee to waste even more millions of taxpayer money on a useless witch hunt involving the death of four Americans at the embassy in Benghazi in 2012.


After being appointed by Boehner, Trey couldn’t wait to appear on the Fox News Comedy Channel to spew forth a lie that he possesses evidence of a systematic and intentional cover up being orchestrated by the Obama administration in order to withhold information from congressional panels probing the Benghazi attack.


Trey the Liar told Fox News comedian Eric Shawn:

  • “I have evidence that not only are they hiding the truth, there’s an intent to hide it.”
  • “I can’t disclose that evidence yet, but I have evidence have evidence that there was a systematic [and] intentional decision to withhold certain documents [regarding the Benghazi attack] from Congress — and we're just sick of it.”

It would appear that Trey has knowingly concealed this “evidence” of deceit and lying by the Obama administration from Rep. Darrell “The Loon” Issa and every other low intellect member of Congress that actually believes anything Try and/or Darrell have to say about anything.


The only evidence that is apparent to anyone with an I.Q. approaching triple digits is the fact that Trey is a serial liar and fabricator of falsehoods.


It is indeed unfortunate that Speaker Boehner has given Trey the green light to expend tens-of-millions of taxpayer dollars in Trey’s effort to mimic the unconscionable conduct of Senator Joe McCarthy.


It is common knowledge that this witch hunt is intended to try and demean Hillary Clinton in the event she runs for president in 2016. If she runs and wins, then we will likely witness eight more years of sham investigations involving Benghazi.


Congrats Trey; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Bullshitters”; you are far too humble.