► I hate New York Values, but I luvs New York cash Print

I hate New York Values, but I luvs New York cash


In his laughable race to become the next President of the United States and fearful of losing the GOP nomination to Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz attacked The Donald for having “New York Values.”


This overt defamation of New Yorkers came about despite the fact that Teddy has no problem accepting large amounts of cash from New Yorkers. In fact, New York is the fourth biggest fundraising state for Teddy’s so-called presidential campaign.


While running for the U.S. Senate from Texas, Teddy had no qualms about obtaining a $500,000 campaign loan from Goldman Sachs and another $500,000 from Citigroup. Moreover, his wife is an executive at Goldman Sachs. Apparently, both Goldman Sachs and Teddy’s wife possess those god-awful “New York Values.”


Teddy gives hypocrisy a bad name! its obvious he’ll say anything to garner some votes in Iowa and/or elsewhere by falsely suggesting that New Yorkers are more interested in money then they are in God.


For additional stories on Teddy   go to the articles categorized below

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  2. Bigot Award Winner = 5
  3. Bullshit Award Winner = 5
  4. Humanitarian Award Winner = 1
  5. IHOP (Flip-Flop) Award Winner = 2
  6. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award Winner = 2
  7. Lunatic Award Winner = 2
  8. MoronAward Winner = 3
  9. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 2
  10. Screwball Award Winner = 2
  11. Top 10 Congressional Lunatic Award Winners: Top 10 Award Winners
  12. Christians have allowed nonbelievers to elect our leaders: Art. 59 Lunatic Awards
  13. Obama can’t distinguish Good guys from Bad Guys: Art. 60 Lunatic Awards
  14. Media drools when criminals are Republican Cruz: Art. 61 Lunatic Awards
  15. GOP needs to mobilize Biblical Values Vote: Art. 62 Lunatic Awards
  16. Sen. Ted Cruz tells Obama: Debate me, insult me to my face: Screwball Award 58
  17. God will Heal America if more Evangelicals start Voting: Art. No 2 Jimmy Swaggart Award
  18. Cleaning up after Sen. Ted Cruz’s latest speech: Art. 6 Dawg Laments