► Attorney Ronnie Tamburinno of Rock Creek, OH; serial liar Print
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Attorney Ronnie Tamburinno of Rock Creek, OH; serial liar


The state of Ohio presented Ronnie M. Tamburinno with a law license in 1983 after she graduated from the University of Akron Law School.


The Board of Professional Conduct found Ronnie guilty of the following misconduct, all of which took place while he wa s attempting to dupe the voters into electing him to a judgeship on the Eleventh District Court of Appeals.

  • Put forth false ads
  • Refused to admit the content of ads were false
  • Continued to assert that false ads were appropriate
  • Made patently false statements in political advertisements
  • Knew advertisement statements were false

Ronnie ran ads against his opponent Judge Timothy P. Cannon that were obviously false as follows:


Teenage Children Drinking Advertisement

  • Shows judge in courtroom serving alcohol to children
  • Ad states: “Everyone knows that a judge should never serve alcohol to kids in a courtroom.”
  • Ad states: “Cannon doesn’t think teenage drinking is serious, what else does he think isn’t serious?”

Travel Expense Disclosure Advertisement

  • Ad states: “Cannon won’t disclose his taxpayer-funded travel expenses.”

In this case, Ronnie never asked to see Judge Cannon’s travel expenses as was the case with everyone else. Any moron would know that travel expense records for Appellate judges are kept by the Ohio Supreme Court. In this case, Ronnie falsely implied that Judge Cannon was refusing public access to his travel expense records.


Ronnie’s Hyperbolic (BS) Defense


Ronnie has the chutzpah to actually claim that he has a First Amendment Free Speech right to publish falsehoods about his judicial rival in attempt to obtain a judicial position.


To argue that he has a right to lie and deceive the voters is an argument that doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test; however, it clearly proves that Ronnie is not qualified to sit as a judge.


And lastly, Ronnie’s deplorable conduct proves that he should be permanently disbarred for knowingly lying to the voters. At least the good folks in the Ashtabula County area now know enough about Ronnie the Liar that they can avoid employing him as an attorney in the future.


As we speak (ca. September 2016), Ronnie practices at 6666 Dawsey Road in Rock Creek, Ohio.