► Radio host Dana Loesch: Today’s “Tina Fey” Award Winner Print

Radio host Dana Loesch: Today’s “Tina Fey” Award Winner


Dana is a college dropout who was an admitted liberal prior to the September 11 attacks. Of course the only reason Dana became a right-wing nutcase was because she realized it was a way to earn a decent living by spewing forth an assortment of lies, distortions and/or outright fabrications. Put simply, Dana wanted to emulate Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity in enriching herself at the expense of the truth.


In a recent (04/24/14) rant on her daily comedy radio show, comedian Dan Loesch decided to come to the defense of Cliven “The Deadbeat” Bundy, the infamous Nevada rancher who owes the federal government $1 million in grazing fees.


Dana argued that “the left” was unfairly seizing upon Cliven’s statements about blacks in an attempt to link his anti-government activism to racism.”


Dana admitted that Cliven’s remarks about the Negro sounded “offensive” when taken at face value, but she then defended Bundy as being merely inarticulate -- "an old man rancher isn’t media trained to express himself perfectly.”


Dana then laughingly suggested that Cliven really meant to condemn “what big government has done to the black family.” Yeah Dana, it’s a damn shame that BIG government denied the Negro an opportunity to continue to work as indentured slaves on cotton plantations owned by southern gentlemen.


If Dana and those of her ilk are so concerned about Cliven the Welfare Queen’s plight in owing the government $1 million in grazing fees, they why doesn’t she hold a benefit in his honor to collect donations to pay off his debt?


Congrats Dana; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Standup Comedians”; you are far too humble.