► Bristol Palin: Today’s “Tina Fey” Award Winner Print

Bristol Palin: Today’s “Tina Fey” Award Winner

Bristol has the chutzpah to claim she is outraged that Obama hasn’t called her after he called Sandra Fluke to express his concern when Rush “The Doper” Limbaugh called her a “slut” and a “prostitute.”
On a recent blog posting, Bristol said, “Dear President Obama, You don’t know my telephone number, but I hope your staff is busy trying to find it. Ever since you called Sandra Fluke after Rush Limbaugh called her a slut, I figured I might be next.”
Bristol then goes on to sing the same song her comedian Mom has been crooning lately, and that is to compare Bill Maher’s past comments about her and her Mom with those of Rush’s  statements about Ms. Fluke.
Of course there’s no argument that Bill Maher actually makes a pretty good living as a recognized standup comedian. Just the opposite is true of aspiring comedians such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and the Palin twins.
As charter members of Rush Limbaugh’s ever expanding Comedy Ensemble, Sarah and Bristol are now demanding that the Obama PAC return the $1 million that Bill Maher recently contributed. Of course no member of Rush’s Ensemble has ever demanded that any GOP candidate return contributions from right-wing fanatics like Bob “The Builder” Perry of Houston.
Bristol’s feigned outrage is further proof that she’ll never make it as a standup comedian like her Mom has.
It’s no secret that Bristol was screwing around before giving birth out-of-wedlock when she was 17. For her to claim outrage at Bill Maher’s comedic comments about her or her Mommy would be akin to Heidi Fleiss whining about being called a whore.
Congrats Bristol; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as an aspiring standup comedian; you are far too humble.
The Dawg~
Folsom, California