► Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Today’s “Tina Fey Comic” Award Winner Print

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Today’s “Tina Fey Comic” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Sarah. In the past, she has been the recipient of thirteen (13) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


In an overt attempt to secure future employment as a Standup Comedian after Donald “Trumporleone” Trump dumps her as White House Press Secretary, Sarah appeared at Politico’s “Women Rule” event on Dec 11, 2018 and was interviewed by Eliana Johnson.


During the interview with Ms. Johnson, Sarah spewed forth the following one liners as to what he legacy would be as chief mouthpiece for The Great Leader.

  • “I hope that it will be that I showed up every day and I did the very best job that I could to put forward the president’s message,” as well as “to do the best job that I could to answer questions.”
  • “To be transparent and honest throughout that process and do everything I could to make America a little better that day than it was the day before.”
  • “I try to deliver the “best and most accurate information at the time that I can” and feels a responsibility to be truthful in her role as chief White House spokeswoman.
  • “One of the few things you have are your integrity and reputation.”

For this Serial Liar and Dissembler of Facts to suggest that she is imbued with “integrity” is analogous to John Gotti making the same laughable claim. If this Congenital Liar really had an integrity, she would never have accepted a job working for America’s Heavyweight Champion Liar, The Great Leader.


One thing that will likely happen when Sarah is given her walking papers by The Great Leader is that she’ll immediately be offered a job on the Fox News Comedy Network, which is always looking for additional Aspiring Standup Comedians.


Liar Award Winner = 4 

Tina Fey Comic Award Winner = 5

White House’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders: kisses Sean Hannity’s Ass: Art. Ass-Kisser Awards

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Today’s “Crybaby Loser” Award Winner: Art. Misc. Awards

White House’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Today’s Moronic Hypocrite Award Winner: Art. Misc. Awards