► Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA): Today’s “Idiotic Standup Comic” Award Winner Print

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA): Today’s “Idiotic Standup Comic” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Devin. In the past, he has been the recipient of seven (7) Awards in various categories and the subject of two (2) laments. Those awards and laments are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Devin is the Number One Trump-Ass-Kisser and Sycophant in the United States Congress. He has spent so much time on his knees genuflecting to The Great Leader that it is likely that he’ll require dual knee-replacement surgery before he is voted out of office.


To add to his curriculum vitae [means resume Clyde], Devin decided to file a laughable (sham) defamation lawsuit in March 2019 again


In an overt attempt to add to his resume as one of America’s Premier Idiots, Trump-Ass-Kissers, Liar and Aspiring Standup Comedian, Devin went about filing yet another sham defamation lawsuit seeking $150 million from McClatchy News. This is in addition to the $250 million defamation suit he previously filed against Twitter.


So, now we have an Idiot who is and has always been DEFAMATION PROOF, laughingly claiming his reputation is worth at least $400 million. Devin’s bogus defamation lawsuit contains the following one-liners.


“McClatchy abandoned the role of journalist and chose to leverage their considerable power to spread falsehoods and to defame Nunes for political and financial gain."


One of Devin’s laughable complaints involves a May 2018 story by the Fresno Bee which is owned by McClatchy that was entitled, "A yacht, cocaine, prostitutes: Winery partly owned by Nunes sued after fundraiser event." The story referred to allegations about a 2015 party aboard a yacht that involved "25 of the Napa Valley-based [Alpha Omega Winery]'s top investors, all men — [who] were openly using what appeared to be cocaine and 'drawing straws' for which sex worker to hire."


Devin stated in his lawsuit that the event on the yacht was not a “fundraiser” but was a charitable event. He then went on to state:


"The McClatchy headline intentionally omitted the word 'charity' and labeled the event a 'fundraiser' in a clear effort to imply it was a political fundraising event that a politician like Congressman Nunes would naturally attend."


Apparently, in Devin’s demented mind, he was defamed because McClatchy reported that the sex party with hookers and cocaine was a “fundraiser” rather than a “charity event.”


Devin’s sophomoric complaint is analogous to Donald “Trumporleone” Trump bitching when the media en masse reported that he slept with a porn star rather than reporting that he slept with an adult movie actress. Put simply, it makes no difference if a party with hookers and cocaine took place as a fundraiser, a charity event, or as a golf outing, the outcome is the same.


Rodney Dangerfield Comic Award Winner = 1

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Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA): Today’s “Whiny Crybaby” Award Winner: Art. 34 Misc. Awards

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