► Ben Stein” Screwball” Award Winner Print

Ben Stein” Screwball” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Ben Stein

Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner



 Benjamin Jeremy Stein is yet another loser lawyer like Ann Coulter, who found it difficult to make a dishonest living practicing law and decided he could make a good living by spewing forth an assortment of lies and/or total fabrications.


During a recent (04/04/14) interview with The American Spectator Comedy magazine, Benny decided to go after poor people and support billionaires by spewing forth the following BS

  • “What will make the genuinely poor stop sabotaging themselves?”
  • “Maybe just maybe, if we let God back into the public forum it would help. I have seen spiritual solutions work miracles.”

Benny then went on to claim that anyone concerned about wealth inequality were just jealous of billionaires who he claimed were a necessity and beneficial to American Society. Benny then genuflected before the billionaires while kissing their collective asses and said:

  • “They fund symphonies and ballets and schools for inner city kids.”
  • “They are a bulwark against tyranny because they can afford lawyers to fight overweening government.”
  • “They are actually good for democracy.”

Benny then attacked the poor by saying:

  • “My humble observation is that most long-term poverty is caused by self-sabotage by individuals.”
  • “Drug use. Drunkeness. Having children without a family structure. Gambling. Poor work habits. Disastrously unfortunate appearance.

Benny finished off his attack on the poor by stating “they almost always have indoor plumbing, and they are super nourished as opposed to mal-nourished.”


One has to be a totally bereft of any compassion or intelligence to act as a apologist for billionaires who for the most part made their billions by acting as money changers on Wall Street.


It will be awfully nice when and if the day comes when we see Benny the Loser standing in line to sign up for food stamps.


Congrats Benny; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Screwballs”; you are far too humble.