► Tea Party Nation’s Judson Phillips: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print

Tea Party Nation’s Judson Phillips: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Tea Party Nation’s Judson Phillips

Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner



Judson is a lifetime porker who spent thirty-two (32) years with his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough. After graduating from the University of Memphis Law School in 1987, Judson spent the next 32 years working as an Assistant District Attorney in Franklin and Memphis.


Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater Memphis area was about to offer Judson a good paying job.


Looking for a way to enrich himself by using his talents to speak half-truths and/or fabricate falsehoods, Judson organized the Tea Party Nation. One of Judson’s favorite targets are members of the gay community.


Shortly after Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed a law that would have allowed businesses in Arizona to discriminate against gays, Judson decided to “troll for dollars” by saying “tyranny is on the march.”


Judson went on to say in an email to his followers that business owners who are not allowed to discriminate against gays and lesbians are “slaves” to the “great liberal state,” and are aided by “French Republicans” like Brewer.


The Screwy Judson then said:

  • I wonder if business owners will be forced to “create a cake for a homosexual wedding that has a giant phallic symbol on it” or “photograph a homosexual wedding where the participants decide they want to be nude or engage in sexual behavior.”

Now you can more fully appreciate why no law firm in Memphis ever offered this Screwball a job. Who would hire a lawyer that doesn’t have the intellectual acumen to understand that it is a violation of the U.S. Constitution to discriminate against anyone?


Of course Judson’s sole purpose for spewing forth his homophobic rant was to increase tax exempt donations to his sham social justice organization.


Congrats Judson; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Screwballs”; you are far too humble.