► Rep. Paul Ryan: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print

Rep. Paul Ryan: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Rep. Paul Ryan
Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner
Rep. Paul Ryan has dedicated his political career to forever cementing his status as a Certified Screwball.
After backing off of his asinine anti-abortion stances in order to align himself with Mitt “The Flip-Flopper” Romney, Paul has now decided to again prove his bona fides as total nutcase.
Paul recently decided to again act as a co-sponsor of the Sanctity of Human Life act, federal legislation that would give full legal rights to human zygotes (fertilized egg that hasn’t yet developed into an embryo).
The so-called personhood bill specifies that a “one-celled human embryo,” even before it implants in the uterus to create a pregnancy, should be granted “all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.”
What legal and constitutional rights does Paulie the Screwball believe an embryo is entitled too? Would he support any of the following rights and privileges?
  • The right to own property (real estate)
  • The right to freely assemble with other like-minded embryos (1st Amendment)
  • The right to bear arms (2nd Amendment)
  • The right to a fair and speedy trial (6th Amendment)
While the country suffers from serious economic and employment problems, Paulie the Screwball and those of his ilk continue to waste hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars in their pursuit of legislation to outlaw any and all abortions.
And lastly, this Certified Buffoon is apparently weighing a run for the Presidency in 2016. Lord help us if an idiot like Paulie ever succeeds in duping 50.1% of the voters.
Congrats Paulie; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s most accomplished Screwballs; you are far too humble.