► Rep. John Boehner: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print

Rep. John Boehner: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner

In addition to being a Certified Screwball, Speaker of the House John “The Bone” Boehner is also an aspiring standup comedian. Apparently John isn’t satisfied with being one of the most inept and useless Speakers in the history of the U.S. House of Representatives.
John now believes it is his sworn duty to come to the aid of his fellow Screwball, Senator Mitch McConnell in commenting on proposals to correct GOP abuses of the filibuster as addressed by Senator Harry Reid.
Johnny recently threatened to ignore any bills coming from the Senate if Democrats have abused GOP senator’s rights to slow consideration of legislation. The Bone said that Senator Reid’s idea of changing filibuster rules “is clearly designed to marginalize Senate Republicans and their constituents while greasing the skids for controversial, partisan measures.” The Bone went on to say, “Any bill that reaches a Republican-led House based on Senate Democrats’ heavy-handed power play would be dead on arrival.
For The Bone to claim that Senate Democrats are engaged in heavy-handed power plays doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test. Apparently, this Moron (my apologies to Morons) actually believes that when he and his fellow Republicans engage in heavy-handed power plays in the House of Representatives that it is perfectly acceptable conduct.
It cannot now be disputed that Johnny’s brain has been over-cooked due to the inordinate amount of time he spends in tanning salons in D.C. and Cincinnati. I believe its time to insert a timing button in John’s derriere. Even a Thanksgiving Turkey knows when it’s done because the button pops out.
Congrats Johnny; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s least appreciated Screwballs; you are far too humble.