► State Sen. Joe Uecker (R-OH): Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print

State Sen. Joe Uecker (R-OH): Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


In November 2013, Joey succeeded in duping the voters in the suburban areas of Cincinnati into electing him as a member of the Ohio State Senate.


In an ongoing attempt to further prove that he’s a Moronic Lunatic, Joey recently (ca. March 2019) introduce legislation that would require that a woman getting a surgical abortion would be required to have the “fetal remains” buried or cremated.


This kind of idiocy is one of the reasons that I chose to move out of Ohio several years ago. Who in the hell does this Moron (my sincerest apologies to Morons) think he is to telling a Mother he doesn’t even know that she must incur burial expenses after receiving a lawful abortion.


Things would have been much better for Ohioans who possess an I.Q. in the high 90s or triple digits if Joey’s Mom would have opted to have an abortion in April 1954.


And lastly, I agree with my later father’s statement about abortion, which goes like this.


“If I didn’t impregnate the woman, then its none of my damn business.”