► Glenn Beck: Today’s “Looney Screwball” Award Winner Print

Glenn Beck: Today’s “Looney Screwball” Award Winner

During his June 3 edition of his radio show, Glen the Loon stated: “If they [Palestinians] reclaim Palestine they will run the Jews into the Sea and America will not survive.”
Glen the Comic made this absurd statement despite the fact that the last three (3) Israeli Prime Ministers have called for a separate Palestinian State. In fact, Benjamin Netanyahu recently stated, “I publicly committed to a solution of two states for two peoples: a Palestinian State alongside the Jewish State.”
The Loon’s statement that the Palestinians will run the Jews into the Sea doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test. Of course this comedy routine pales in comparison to the Screwball’s statement that America would not survive.
Do any of y’all really lose any sleep worrying that the Palestinians are coming to get ya? If any of ya do then you likely possess an I.Q. equal to or less than the legal speed limit in a school zone.
For anyone to believe any of the screwy crap that Glen the Loon spews forth would require such a person to actually believe that Mrs. Ronald Reagan recently asked Hollywood star Lindsay Lohan to act as her chief spokesperson to restart her campaign to “Just Say No!”
Congrats Glen; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s leading Screwballs and aspiring Comedians ; you are far too humble.
The Dawg~
Folsom, California