► Kellyanne Conway says: Microwaves being turned into Peeping Toms Print

Kellyanne Conway says: Microwaves being turned into Peeping Toms 


First and foremost, Kellyanne Conway is yet another loser lawyer who learned early on how difficult it would be to earn a dishonest living practicing law. This led her to go into the second most honest profession (used car salesman No. 1), politics.


Kellyanne is one of several compliant Trump Toadies (TTs) that have willingly agreed to lie and/or fabricate falsehoods on behalf of Donald “Trumporleone” Trump.



On March 4, 2017, The Don told another whopper of a lie (Is there another kind for The Don?) when he knowingly defamed President Obama by accusing him of committing a felony by “tapping” The Don’s phones at the Trump Tower in New York City.


Since telling said lie, neither The Don or any of his toadies have been able to provide any evidence to support his fabricated falsehood. However, most if not all of his paid toadies, enablers and/or apologists have spewed forth a variety of hyperbolic (BS) explanations in support of The Don’s lie.


During a recent (3/17/17) interview with the Bergen County Record, Kellyanne without evidence that the supposed wiretapping could have gone further and suggested that one method of surveillance could include “microwaves that turn into cameras.” (Marina Fang, Huffington Post)


Kellyanne the Degenerate Bullshitter and Serial Liar went on to say:

  • “What I can say is there are many ways to surveil each other now, unfortunately.”
  • “There was an article this week that talked about how you can surveil someone through their phones, through their — certainly through their television sets, any number of different ways, and microwaves that turn into cameras, etc., so we know that that is just a fact of modern life.”

So now we have Kellyanne the Serial Liar and Celebrated Moron claiming that The Don could have been surveilled via the use of a microwave oven after it was converted into a camera.


What’s next for this Moron? Will she claim that Obama was able to wiretap The Don by utilizing converting his hair curler into a listening device?


For additional stories about Kellyanne go to the articles categorized below

  1. Bullshit Award = 2
  2. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award =1
  3. Liar Award = 1
  4. Reporters ‘Talking Smack’ About Trump Should Be Fired: Art. 57 Bullshit Awards
  5. What are “alternative facts” BS Conway: Art. 58 Bullshit Awards
  6. Details of Russian Hacking should be kept Secret sayeth Kellyanne Conway: Art. 59 Bullshit Awards
  7. Only count what’s in Trump’s heart not his words; sayeth Rev. Kellyanne Conway: Art. 60 Bullshit Awards
  8. Trump Filling the Swamp No. 5: Kellyanne Conway: Art. 46 Dawg Opinions