► Trump’s first firing for failure to “Kiss The Don’s Ring” Screwball Don Print

Trump’s first firing for failure  to “Kiss The Don’s Ring” 


On the evening of January 30, 2017, Donald “Trumporleone” Trump announced for the first time as Americas most Disrespected Don (DD) “Your Fired” when he fired Acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates.


The primary reason for Sally’s firing was her betrayal of The Don when she knowingly violated her Loyalty Oath. Before taking the oath, Sally was required to place her right hand on a copy of “The Art of the Deal.”


The Loyalty Oath’s preamble states:

  • “Do you swear that you will never Betray, Forsake, Blow the Whistle on, Double-Cross, Dishonor, Debase, Demean or Humiliate The Don, so help you Don?”

The Don’s press release firing Sally said:

  • “The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States.”
  • “Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

The Don’s Loyalty Oath is in keeping with his changes to the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, which goes like this.

  • “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men with the exception of Caucasians are not created equal, that they are not endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights as are those guaranteed to Caucasians, such as Life, Liberty, the Right to Vote and the pursuit of Happiness.
  • "Whenever The Don’s opponents become destructive of these ends, it is the Right of The Don to alter or to abolish the Government, and to institute a new Dictatorship, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to him shall seem most likely to effect the Financial Well-Being and Happiness of The Don, his immediate family members, his Consigliore and designated Capos."

It’s unlikely that this initial “Your Fired” action will eliminate other government ingrates from disrespecting Don Trumporleone.


For additional post-election articles re: The Don visit the following articles

  1. Trump miscellaneous articles: Art. 1 thru 30 Dawg Opinions
  2. Trumps’ victims of Draining the Swamp: Art. 31 thru 41 Dawg Opinions
  3. Trump Filling the Swamp: Art. 42 thru 46 Dawg Opinions
  4. Trump Bullshit: Art. 344 thru 356
  5. Trump Screwball Awards: Art: 1 thru 2 
  6. Trump Lies: Art. 1 thru 9 Liar Awards