► Gov. Mary Fallin (Ok): Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print

Gov. Mary Fallin (OK): Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


For the last twenty-seven (27 years, Mary has had her significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough. If it weren’t for a government check, Mary may have been relegated to working as a greeter at the Walmart Supercenter on West Reno Avenue in Okalahoma City.


In 2013, Mary duped the voters in Oklahoma into electing her as the Governor.


After the recent (June 2015) ruling by the Oklahoma Supreme Court that the Ten Commandment Monument on the Capitol grounds had to be removed, Mary decided she’d further prove that she’s a Certified Screwball when she would not comply with the Court’s order on the specious (BS) grounds to allow lawmakers time to block the Supreme Court’s order to remove the illegal monument. Screwy Mary went on to say:

  • “During this process [unconstitutional], which will involve both legal appeals and potential legislative and constitutional changes, the Ten Commandments monument will remain on the Capitol grounds.”

Apparently, Screwy Mary is of the opinion that she can ignore the oath of office she took to uphold the U.S. and Oklahoma constitutions when she ascended to seat as Governor.


What’s next for Mary? Will she declare by fiat that it is no longer unconstitutional in Oklahoma to force African Americans to ride in the back of the bus?


Congrats Mary; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Screwballs”; you are far too humble.