► David Lane: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print

David Lane: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


David Lane

Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


David Laneis the founder of the so-called American Renewal Project, which is a right-wing hate group. Screwy Dave and his American Renewal Project are affiliated with the Un-American Family Association which was founded by fellow bigot and Screwball, David Wildmon.


In a never ending campaign to unjustly enrich himself by picking the pockets of his low I.Q. followers, Dave sent out a fund raising letter that began with the following BS.

  • “Did you realize that America’s Founders established Christianity as the official religion of America in the 13 Original state Constitutions?”
  • “Then suddenly, following three and half centuries of meteoric rise and cultural distinction, a secular U.S. Supreme Court in 1963 pronounced that the Bible would no longer be the fixed point in which to structure and judge community.”

Dave knows for a fact that states with established official churches had them disestablished in the 18th and 19th centuries, which occurred well before the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that Dave the Fabricator is whining about.


In addition, Dave is aware that the ratification of U.S. Constitution, First Amendment and the Bill of Rights, put an end to any thoughts of state sponsored religion.


In ending his “dialing for dollars” routine, Dave’s letter states:

  • “The American church has lost its commission in the public square, its purpose for being.”
  • “Ultimately, unless we find the chart and compass used by Colonial America to establish Christianity as the official religion of America, America will no longer be.”

In short, Screwy Dave is arguing that the federal government should be compelled to legislatively establish Christianity as America’s official religion. Of course anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows for a fact that if such legislation were passed, the federal courts would immediately declare such foolishness to be unconstitutional.


Dave and those of his ilk, find it acceptable to play to the fears of low I.Q. Americans for the sole purpose of enriching themselves by inducing them to open their wallets and send in contributions under the guise of religious liberty.


Congrats Dave; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Screwballs”; you are far too
