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Is Hillary too Ugly to be President? 


In a recent (04/14/15) column entitled: “Top Ten Reasons Why Hitlery (intentional misspelling) Will Never be President, Don Feder of the World Congress of Families called Clinton “a frustrated, middle-aged feminist who’s perpetually incensed.”


It should be noted that Donnie is yet another loser lawyer that learned early on how difficult it was going to be to earn a dishonest living practicing law. As a consequence, decided to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), political punditry.


One of Donnie’s reasons Hillary won’t be President is as follows:


No. 10 – The Hideous Factor

  • LBJ was the last profoundly ugly candidate to be elected president, and he was a legacy of the martyred JFK.”
  • “Voters don't want a leader who looks frazzled or frumpy.”
  • “We're told that Lincoln was too homely to be elected president in an age of television and paparazzi.”
  • “But Lincoln's homely face had a dignity, a gravitas.”
  • “If nothing else, we want a face that reassures us, not one that scares us.”

Feder ended his profoundly asinine rant by asserting that Clinton was an elitist and a radical ideologue and that she will be brought down by the “hideousness factor.”


Apparently, Feder didn’t consider Mitt Romney’s famously arrogant comment about the 47% of Americans he was willing to cast off as losers, etc. as being “elitist.”


Feder’s juvenile and moronic comment that Hillary is to ugly to be President, begs the question as to why he invoked his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent when Michele Bachman ran for the presidency in 2012. 


If good looks were a prerequisite to being President, then John Quincy Adams would have automatically been disqualified.


Suffice it to say that Feder is a moronic loser that is willing to say anything in order to financially reward himself at the expense of the low I.Q. folks who waste their time listening to his daily rants.