► Fox News’ Megan Kelly: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print

Fox News’ Megan Kelly: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Megyn. In the past, she has been the recipient of five (5) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Megyn is another loser lawyer that decided she could make millions spewing forth lies working for the Fox Comedy Network in comparison to practicing law.


Megyn is employed by the Fox News Comedy Network. Megyn laughingly refers to herself as an independent voice that reports on both sides of an issue fairly. Of course such a claim is pure fantasy since Fox is best known as the provider of Unfair reporting by Unbalanced reporters.


Over the past several weeks, Megyn and her fellow comedians on Fox have spent an inordinate amount of time attacking Hillary Clinton for the manner in which she handled her email.


On March 17, 2015, the State Department confirmed that it had no record of Clinton or her immediate predecessors, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, having signed a separation form (OF-109) upon leaving office, and that they were not required to sign that form. (Jeremy Holden)


Despite the State Department’s confirmation, Megyn had the chutzpah to argue that “protocols” required Hillary to sign the document. Megyn went on to falsely insinuate that Hillary destroyed documents to conceal perjury by asserting that the separation form “suddenly disappeared.”


Megyn then decided to toss a little more red meat by falsely arguing that Hillary was “committing a felony” by keeping email on a private server, which Megyn claimed amounted to concealing federal records.


Megyn has continued spewing forth such defamatory falsehoods even though Fox News legal analysts Jonna Spilbor and Arthur Aidala opined that Hillary did not violate any laws. The same opinions were given by Neil Koslowe, an expert on the Federal Records Act and Jason Baron, former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration.


It is quite obvious that Megyn did well while attending Albany Law School as it relates to learning how to fabricate falsehoods, outright lies, half-truths and/or pure Bullshit in her zeal to please her right wing ideologues at Fox.


CongratsMegyn; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Screwballs”; you are far too humble.


MoronAward Winner = 3

Tina Fey Award Winner = 2