► Ex-Judge Ernest Marraccini of Pittsburgh, idiot, dumb crook Print E-mail
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Ex-Judge Ernest Marraccini of Pittsburgh, idiot, dumb crook

Unfortunately, Judge Ernest Marraccini sat on the superior court in Elizabeth Township, Pennsylvania, which is a bedroom community in the Pittsburg area up until 2005.
The Judicial Commission charged Judge Marraccini with the following misconduct, which subsequently led to his resignation from the bench.
After dismissing 30 traffic cases and then telling the defendants to leave the courtroom, Marraccini belittled them when they hesitated by calling them “morons.”
Judge Marraccini was also charged with obstruction of justice by the feds when he personally solicited a trip costing $2,000 to the Bahamas in return for his support to establish a private jail for housing Alleghany County Jail prisoners.
While the Feds were investigating Marracinni’s trip to the Bahamas, he instructed a witness on how to provide false testimony (suborning perjury) about the trip before the grand jury.
Subsequently, Judge Marraccini pleaded guilty to one count of obstruction of justice
The Certified Idiot’s Comments
After his criminal conviction, Marraccini made the following comments:
  • I’m “sad” to no longer work as a district judge
  • I’m thinking of writing my memoirs
  • With any luck, I’ll get to go on Oprah and cry
  • I’ll get to be on “The View” and insult somebody famous and turn this lemon into lemonade
If Judicial Misfits were not held to a lower standard of conduct then we are and justice truly was blind and equal, Marraccini would be housed in cell number 166 at the State Correctional Institution in Graterford, PA where he would be bunked up with Clarice (name used by to Clarence).

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