► Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first award presented to Tommy. In the past he’s been the recipient of two (2) awards in various categories. Those awards can be viewed by visiting the URLs at the end of this article.


In an ongoing attempt to prove his loyalty and allegiance to Donald “Trumporleone” Trump, Tommy decided to give another ass-kissing performance in support of The Great Leader.


In this instance, Tommy decided to attack the Muller Russiagate investigation after the FBI released a 400-page, four-part FISA warrant application involving former trump Foreign Advisor Carter Page. E


Even though the FISA warrant clearly proves that the FISA court relied on sworn facts about Page’s years long involvement with various agents of the Russian government, Tommy decided to lie about that fact and attack the warrants on the blatant lie that the warrant was granted because of the so-called Steele Dossier.


Towards, that end and only after donning a pair of Trumpian Brand ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Tommy sent out the following red meat to his and The Great Leaders low I.Q. followers.

  • “It was classified to cover up misconduct by the FBI and the Justice Department in misleading the Court by using this Dossier in a dishonest way to gain a warrant to target the Trump Team.”
  • “This is a Clinton Campaign document.”
  • “It was a fraud and a hoax designed to target Trump and the DOJ, FBI and Obama Gang need to be held to account.”
  • “Source #1 was the major source.”
  • “Avoided talking about it being the Clinton campaign behind it.”
  • “Misled the Court to provide a pretext to SPY on the Trump Team.”
  • “Not about Carter Page, it was all about getting Trump.”
  • ”Carter Page wasn’t a spy, wasn’t an agent of the Russians - he would have cooperated with the FBI.
  • “It was a fraud and a hoax designed to target Trump.”
  • “They should drop the discredited Mueller Witch Hunt now!”

First and foremost, Tommy’s a damn liar because he has absolutely no evidence that the FBI spied on the Trump Team. Moreover, how in the hell does he know if Carter Page was or wasn’t a spy working on behalf of Russia? And lastly, he further lies by claiming that Carter Page would have cooperated with the FBI.


If Tommy keeps up his incessant genuflecting in honor of The Great Leader, it won’t be long before he’ll have to undergo double knee replacement surgery.


Lunatic Award Winner = 1

Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner: Art. 151 Ass-Kisser Awards



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