► Attorney Sara Lawrence of Miami; liar, repeat offender Print
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Attorney Sara Lawrence of Miami; liar, repeat offender

The state of Florida provided Sara Lawrence with a law license in 1982.
The Florida State Bar found Sara guilty of the following misconduct
Sara’s 1st bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree
Sara was the attorney for a guardian in a guardianship matter. The trial court ordered that all guardianship assets be in a restricted bank account so that the money could only be withdrawn by court order. Sara failed to comply with the court order which then allowed the guardian to deplete all of the assets of the guardianship estate.
At a hearing on the matter, Sara misrepresented (lied) to the court that guardianship funds had not been misappropriated by the guardian.
As a consequence of her misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Florida Supreme Court punished Sara by gifting her with a complimentary admonishment.
Sara’s 2nd bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree
Sara represented a woman in a divorce matter. Even though the husband was represented by counsel, Sara engaged in an unauthorized communication with him involving specific matters involved in the divorce case.
When Sara’s misconduct was brought to the attention of the trial judge, she repeatedly denied it happened. However, when a voicemail message was played in open court, Sara admitted her voice was on the message, but had the chutzpah to claim she didn’t recall the incident.
As a consequence of her misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Florida Supreme Court punished Sara by gifting her with a complimentary reprimand.
As we speak (ca. October 2012) Sara practices at 850 Ives Dairy Road in Miami, Florida.